Let's Go!

The demo for Jason and the Archinauts - let's go!
A couple of things for players who read stuff like this:

1) You CAN play with a controller, though at the moment the info dialogue boxes don't update to account for this. They *should*, because they do when I play it locally in the Godot editor, but for some reason this doesn't work for the web builds. I'm looking into it.

2) Some behaviors might be quite laggy the first time they are triggered.  This seems to be the worst in Firefox and (to me) makes the game nigh unplayable. Chrome (chromium-based browsers), and Edge at least seem to get over it after the first time triggering a new behavior if they do it all. I *may* work on a downloadable version of the demo - as it seems this is a known issue with Godot's web builds and itch.io's upload options. The final game will be a piece of downloadable software, so I'm not too worried about it in that regard.

3) There are hot keys for returning to the main menu and/or restarting a level which are not described in the DEMO - this is your reward for paying attention to dev logs. ;P

Main MenuRestart Level
Switch Pro


Jason and the Archinauts DEMO V1.0.0.4.zip 68 MB
Oct 20, 2024

Get Jason and the Archinauts

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